Thursday, December 18, 2008

Energetica de Minas Gerais to Use New GPS Tracking System

With over 17,000,000 customers spread across 516,000 sq. kl it is easy to see why efficiency is very important to the South American electricity company. Recently the company contacted a design company in California, Radio Satellite Integrators, Inc, and asked them to design a cost effective GPS system that the company could use to track their vehicles and hopefully save operating costs by better allocating its recourses. Radio Satellite Integrators was able to design that worked based off of the outdated radio system that the company’s trucks already had installed. Because they were able to do this, the cost for the system was drastically lower then it would have been other wise.
This new technology will benefit Energetica de Minas Gerais, because it will give them a better edge over their competitors in allocating their personal to the clients that need them. The company will now be able to know down to a matter of feet where all its employees are at any given time, and that makes for much easier and more convenient scheduling.
This article was very interesting because it not only gave the IT development on the side of the electricity company, but it also spoke of the California based company that designed the system. Because Energetica de Minas Gerais knew exactly what it was looking for in a new system, it was able to find the appropriate people, and tailor the system to the company’s needs. The system was then able to be implemented over the scale of land that the electricity company provides electricity too, and has already been put into 4,000 of the company’s 20,000 cars. The company admits that it is too early to know if the system will really cut costs as it expects, but early indications are looking good.

Written By Brian Tanner:

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